August 2023

DAIHEN CORPORATION Acquires LORCH: A Partnership for Sustainable Growth in Europe.

DAIHEN CORPORATION Acquires LORCH: A Partnership for Sustainable Growth in Europe. DAIHEN CORPORATION Acquires LORCH: A Partnership for Sustainable Growth in Europe.

Osaka, Auenwald, 30.08.2023 - DAIHEN CORPORATION, a globally leading provider of welding and robotics technologies, officially announced today the acquisition of LORCH, a renowned welding equipment company based in Germany, Auenwald.

This strategic acquisition marks a milestone in the history of both companies and opens exciting opportunities for long-term growth and collaboration. The decision to acquire is seen by both sides as the perfect partnership for long-term expansion in Europe. "The acquisition of LORCH into the DAIHEN Group represents a significant strategic step for us in our market presence in Europe and beyond," explains Shoichiro Minomo, CEO and President of the DAIHEN Group.

Additionally, the acquisition paves the way for a new era at LORCH as it transitions from being a family-owned business to joining a global corporation. 
LORCH's current management team, workforce, foreign subsidiaries, dealer network, and the LORCH brand will remain unchanged, ensuring continuity and commitment to the valued customers.

LORCH currently maintains a network of over 400 sales partners across Europe, with a strong presence in Germany. Their reputation for exceptional technical support and customer-centric services has earned them significant customer trust. With the integration of DAIHEN's cutting-edge technology, the collaboration between LORCH and DAIHEN aims to provide enhanced value to European customers and LORCH's partners. This includes the introduction of new welding systems designed to reduce the weight of electric vehicle (EV) bodies and advanced welding equipment that significantly enhances the productivity of welding thick plates, commonly used in applications like steel frames, construction machinery, and wind power generation.

DAIHEN is well-prepared to actively support the distribution of LORCH technology through DAIHEN's robust distribution network of more than 1,100 companies held by DAIHEN sales subsidiaries in nine locations around the world, including Japan and Asia. European welding machine manufacturers, such as LORCH hold a strong brand identity and reputation for high quality, especially in Asian regions. By selling LORCH`s welding machines through DAIHEN’s Asian sales network, both companies will generate synergies that transcend geographical boundaries.

A closer collaboration in the field of welding automation, particularly in regard to robotics is intended. DAIHEN's provision of arc welding robots to LORCH facilitates the advancement of automation in Europe. DAIHEN’s high-performance arc welding robots can be made available to customers through LORCH's sales partners. Additionally, DAIHEN will share its automation expertise know-how in Europe, actively supporting LORCH and its customers in exploring new business fields.


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